原帖由 lipusibuxiu 于 2023-9-9 12:11 发表
竟然看到R版分享听感了,其实听感比参数不好写哈哈哈。传输线比倒相箱速度快吗?按我想的,传输线从后面多走了一米多,再绕到音箱前面,应该比喇叭发声延迟了2米左右?KH805真是好炮,配上去以后低音比高音还平整。 ...
关于倒向管和传输线延迟的这个问题SOS的Phil Ward(是Acoustic Energy AE22监听箱的设计师之一)解释过:
"Phase reversal implies a minimum time delay of however long half a cycle takes at the frequency in question (40Hz, for example is a typical port frequency, and half a cycle is 12.5ms), and the nature of a resonance is that it rings on after its stimulus signal has stopped. So a reflex‑loaded speaker typically has trouble following the ups and downs of a stimulus signal as accurately as a closed‑box speaker — it’s always playing catch‑up or overshooting."
倒向管相位反转180度,而传输线原理是1/4倍波长谐振管,相当于相位延迟360/4 = 90度。从这个角度,似乎传输线的延迟比倒向管低1/4个周期。这似乎也符合传输线比倒向管Q值低的理论。
本帖最后由 racingpht 于 2023-9-9 23:14 编辑 ]